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NACURH'S Mission

As an organization, NACURH empowers, motivates, and equips residence hall leaders by providing them with skills and resources in order for them to excel and positively impact their campus communities.

NACURH's Vision

The National Association of College and University Residence Halls, NACURH Inc, seeks to create a network of engaged citizens sharing common experiences through residential leadership opportunities.

NRHH's Mission

As an honorary, NRHH provides a dynamic leadership experience by promoting recognition and service. Through this, NRHH chapters offer our members diverse avenues to grow and succeed in the residence halls and as engaged members in their communities.

NRHH's Vision

NRHH strives to unite a community of distinguished members who embody the values through a lifelong commitment to the honorary.

Meet the NACURH Executive Committee

Just as NACURH has regional board of directors that oversee regional operations, the NACURH Joint Boards work with the NACURH Executive Committee to oversee NACURH operations.


These are the 2023-2024 Execs that will be supporting you through the 2024 Annual Conference.


NACURH Chairperson

Kelsie Dillard | she/her/they​


Hosted by

The University of Akron


NACURH Associate for Engagement

Payton Branson | she/her​


Hosted by

Ball State University


NACURH Advisor

Jamie Lloyd | she/her​


Hosted by

Northern Arizona University

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Dr. Jen O'Brien | she/her


Hosted by

Arizona State University


Advancement Society Consultant

Anna Pietrzak | she/her​


Hosted by

Chestnut Hill College

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Advisor Retention and Training (ART) 


Rick Cazzato Jr. | he/him


Hosted by

Northwestern University


Conference Resource Consultant

Jen Kacere | she/her​


Hosted by

North Dakota State University

Alphabet Soup?

Wow, NACURH uses a BUNCH of acronyms! We try to clarify acronyms when we use them, but here's a cheat sheet!


RBD: Regional Board of Directors

SEC: SAACURH Executive Committee
CO: Coordinating Officer
AD: Associate Director

ADNRHH: Associate Director for NRHH


DADs: Directors and ADs



NRHH: National Residence Hall Honorary

NCC: National Communications Coordinator

OTMs: Of The Month Awards

NCO: NACURH Corporate Office
NBD: NACURH Board of Directors
NNBD: NACURH NRHH Board of Directors


NAO: NACURH Associate for Operations

NAE: NACURH Associate for Engagement
NAN: NACURH Associate for NRHH



MACURH: Midwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls
NACURH: National Association of College and University Residence Halls
CAACURH: Central Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls
GLACURH: Great Lakes Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls
IACURH: Intermountain Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls
NEACURH: Northeast Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls
SAACURH: South Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls
SWACURH: South West Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls

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